Jesus & The Tomb
Date: 27 Mar 2016 (Easter Day) Text: Matthew 27:57-28:10 Introduction Today is that great day in the Christian calendar, the day that the...

Jesus & The Betrayal
Date: 25 Mar 2016 (Good Friday) Text: Mark 14:12-31 Introduction On this Good Friday evening I want to step back in time about 24 hours...

Jesus & The Temple
Title: Jesus & The Temple Date: 20 Mar 2016 (Palm Sunday) Introduction Well here we are again on Palm Sunday, the first day of the week...

Mothering Sunday - The Wisdom of Solomon
Date: 06 Mar 2016 Text: 1 Kings 3:16-28 Introduction Being a mother must be one of the hardest and yet most rewarding ‘jobs’ ever created...

Nehemiah - The Lessons
Date: 28 Feb 2016 Text: Nehemiah 1 & 2 Introduction Over the last three Sundays we’ve spent time looking at the first two chapters of...